DN 18 Janavasabha Sutta:
With God Janavasabha
King Bimbisāra is reborn as the deva Janavasabha and returns to talk with the Supreme Buddha. (20 minutes)
King Bimbisāra ruled over Magadha from the city of Rajagaha. He was an early disciple of the Supreme Buddha and the first to offer a monastery to the Mahā Saṅgha.
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King Bimbisāra is reborn as the deva Janavasabha and returns to talk with the Supreme Buddha. (20 minutes)
The Supreme Buddha explains how to share merit with past relatives. (2 minutes)
The Bodhisatta has an encounter with King Bimbisara before his enlightenment. (3 minutes)
The wife of King Bimbisara, now a deva, explains her unshakable confidence in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. (3 minutes)
The Supreme Buddha explains how to share merit with past relatives. (2 minutes)