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Anuruddha Arahant Aññākoṇḍañña Arahant Bakkula Arahant Bhaddiya Arahant Bimbisāra King Cūḷapanthaka Arahant Devadatta Kakusandha Supreme Buddha Kassapa Supreme Buddha Khadiravaniya Revata Arahant Kokālika Koṇāgamana Supreme Buddha Kumara Kassapa Arahant Kāḷudāyi Arahant Lakuṇṭaka Bhaddiya Arahant Mahā Kaccana Arahant Mahā Kappina Arahant Mahā Kassapa Arahant Mahā Moggallāna Arahant Mahā Pajāpatī Gotamī Arahant Mahāpanthaka Arahant Mallikā Queen Māluṅkyaputta Arahant Māra Mātali Deva Nandā Arahant Narada Arahant Pasenadi King Pārāsariya Arahant Raṭṭhapāla Arahant Sahampati Brahma Sakka Lord of Gods Sanaṅkumāra Brahma Sela Arahant Sikhī Supreme Buddha Soṇa Kuṭikaṇṇa Arahant Subrahma Brahma Suddhāvāsa Brahma Supreme Buddha Sāriputta Arahant Upasena Arahant Uruveḷa Kassapa Arahant Vaṅgīsa Arahant Vepacitti Asura Ānanda Arahant
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Read a popular sutta
- SN 7.2 Akkosaka Sutta: Akkosaka Should you accept the gift of angry words?
- SN 56.31 Siṁsapā Sutta: In the Indian Rosewood Forest There are many things that the Buddha did not teach us because they are irrelevant, unbeneficial and do not lead to Nibbāna.
- DN 31 Sigāla Sutta: Advice to Sigālaka The Buddha gives advice to a young man on how to live a good life as a lay person.
- SN 56.11 Dhamma Cakkappavattana Sutta: Setting In Motion the Wheel of Dhamma The Supreme Buddha’s very first sermon.
Read a Story
- Pv 4.1 Ambasakkhara Sutta: King Ambasakkhara How does one escape from the path leading to hell?
- SN 6.4 Baka Brahmā Sutta: The Discourse Given to Brahmā Baka The Buddha teaches the reality to a Brahmā who thought his world is permanent.
- Pv 2.5 Maṭṭakuṇḍalī Sutta: Maṭṭakuṇḍalī What should we do to secure happiness in our next life?
- Vv 7.5 Amba Sutta: Mango Mansion A deva explains his encounter with Arahant Sāriputta and the meritorious actions he did to achieve happiness.
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Wise people learn from similes.
arrows axe balls of clay bamboo bird bubble cartwheel cowherd drop of water earth elephant fire firebrand flame gem horse hunter lamp leaf lotus moon mother mountain ocean ox palm fruit pebble pillar plow pond pot rain river seed skilled turner snake soil in fingernail stick stone post storm streams sunrise turtle water drop water in the ocean
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Chant a Paritta
- Snp 2.1 Ratana Sutta: Jewels Discourse This sutta was taught by the Supreme Buddha as a protection for the city of Rājagaha when it was overcome with famine, disease, and evil spirits. It explains the qualities of the Triple Gem.
- AN 10.60 Girimānanda Sutta: Discourse to Girimānanda Thera The monk Girimānanda listens to a teaching that helps him overcome his illness.
- Snp 1.8 Metta Sutta: Discourse on Loving-Kindness How to practice loving-kindness meditation.
- Snp 1.4 Kasībhāradvāja Sutta: The Discourse to the Brahmin Kasībhāradvāja Beautiful similes the Buddha gives to a brahmin who challenges him.
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Longer sermons, 34 in all, that cover a range of topics.
Majjhima Nikāya
Middle Discourses
A collection of 152 sermons.
Saṁyutta Nikāya
Connected Discourses
Shorter suttas organized by topic into 56 chapters.
Aṇguttara Nikāya
Numerical Discourses
Shorter suttas organized by number of items in each one.
Khuddaka Nikāya
The Khuddaka Nikāya is a collection of smaller independent books.
Dhamma Verses
Nine Short suttas including the famous Metta, Maṅgala, and Ratana Suttas.
Dhamma Verses
423 Verses organized by topic.
Inspired Sayings
A collection of 80 short suttas that explain a short story and a verse.
“This Was Said”
A collection of 112 short suttas that have a short statement and a verse.
Sutta Nipāta
Sutta Collection
Suttas mostly of verses, often with stories or deep Dhamma.
Vimāna Vatthu
Stories of Heavenly Mansions
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Peta Vatthu
Stories of Ghosts
Learn about bad actions that lead to rebirth in the ghost world.
Verses of Arahant Monks
Verses spoken by to to the Great arahant monks that lived in the time of the Supreme Buddha.
Verses of Arahant Nuns
Verses spoken by to to the Great arahant nuns that lived in the time of the Supreme Buddha.
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