MN 141 Saccavibhaṅga Sutta:
Discourse on the Analysis of the Noble Truths
Arahant Sariputta explains in detail the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. (11 minutes)
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Arahant Sariputta explains in detail the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. (11 minutes)
Even after having a child in the womb for seven years, Suppāvāsa would still like to have 7 more children. Seeing this, the Buddha speaks verses about the danger of attachments. (8 minutes)
One who has understood the "all" and are cleansed of passion for the "all" will put an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who fully knows and fully understands conceit is capable of putting an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who fully knows and fully understands greed can put an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who fully knows and fully understands hatred can put an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who has fully knows and fully understands delusion can put an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who has fully knows and fully understands anger can put an end to suffering. (1 minute)
One who fully knows and understands contempt is capable of putting an end to suffering. (1 minute)
The Buddha explains Nibbāna; how it is the ultimate freedom and the cessation of all suffering. (2 minutes)
The Buddha explains how true recluses and Brāhmins understand the Four Noble Truths. (2 minutes)
Ghosts discuss their past about not practicing generosity. (1 minute)