One of the best ways we can learn is through stories from the life of the Buddha and his disciples. You may also like to explore the index of people if you can’t find what you are looking for.
- DN 14 Mahāpadāna Sutta: Seven Fully Enlightened Buddhas Details of the life and going forth of the Supreme Buddha Vipassī
- DN 24 Pāṭikaputta Sutta: About Pāṭikaputta The Buddha tells the story of one of his foolish disciples.
- MN 82 Raṭṭhapāla Sutta: With Arahant Raṭṭhapāla A young man becomes a monk and teaches a King about the true nature of life.
- SN 6.4 Baka Brahmā Sutta: The Discourse Given to Brahmā Baka The Buddha teaches the reality to a Brahmā who thought his world is permanent.
- Snp 1.4 Kasībhāradvāja Sutta: The Discourse to the Brahmin Kasībhāradvāja Beautiful similes the Buddha gives to a brahmin who challenges him.
- Snp 1.10 Ālavaka Sutta: Discourse to Ālavaka the Demon The Supreme Buddha defeats the Demon Ālavaka with the power of his wisdom.
- Vv 7.5 Amba Sutta: Mango Mansion A deva explains his encounter with Arahant Sāriputta and the meritorious actions he did to achieve happiness.
- Vv 7.7 Kanthaka Sutta: Kanthaka’s Mansion What happened to, Kanthaka, the horse, who carried Prince Siddhartha on the day he left his home?
- Pv 2.5 Maṭṭakuṇḍalī Sutta: Maṭṭakuṇḍalī What should we do to secure happiness in our next life?
- Pv 2.6 Kaṇha Sutta: King Kanha How should we think to overcome grief?
- Pv 4.1 Ambasakkhara Sutta: King Ambasakkhara How does one escape from the path leading to hell?
- Pv 4.7 Rājaputta Sutta: The Son of a King What happened to a prince that committed evil actions towards a Pacceka Buddha?
- Thig 14.1: The Verses of Arahant Nun Subhā, Who Dwelled in the Jīvaka Mango Garden (365-398) This Arahant Nun uses the power of Dhamma to defeat an attacker.
- Thig 15.1: The Verses of Arahant Nun Isidāsī (399-446) The Arahant Nun Isidāsī tells the story of her previous lives.
- Thig 16.1: The Verses of Arahant Nun Sumedhā (447-521) This Arahant Nun gave up power and wealth to follow the Supreme Buddha’s teachings.