Samyutta Nikaya

1 Devatā Saṁyutta:
Conversations with Devas

(1 minute)

King Pasenadi has many conversations with the Supreme Buddha.

Samyutta Nikaya Uncategorized

SN 11.5 Subhāsita Jaya Sutta
Victory by Well-Spoken Words

(4 minutes)

Characters: The Supreme Buddha Sakka, Lord of Gods Vepacitti, Lord of the Titans Panel of Judges Devas Titians At Sāvatthi. The Buddha: “Monks, once in the past the gods and the titans were prepared for battle. Then Vepacitti, lord of the titans, said to Sakka, lord of the gods: Vepacitti “‘Lord of the gods, let […]

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 45 Magga Saṁyutta:
Connected Discourses on the Path

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 10 Yakkha Saṁyutta:
With Yakkhas

(1 minute)

King Pasenadi has many conversations with the Supreme Buddha.

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 35 Saḷāyatana Saṁyutta:
Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 22 Khandha Saṁyutta:
Connected Discourses on the Groups of Clinging

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 55 Sotāpatti Saṁyutta:
Stream Entry

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 7 Brāhmaṇa Saṁyutta:
Conversations with Brahmins

(1 minute)

Brahmins were a group of people in the time of the Supreme Buddha who studied and recited Vedic scriptures. They were like the priests of that time. These are conversations that the Buddha had with some of them. Many became disciples of the Supreme Buddha, some even attaining enlightenment.

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 3 Kosala Saṁyutta:
Conversations with King Pasenadi

(1 minute)

King Pasenadi has many conversations with the Supreme Buddha.

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 19 Lakkhaṇa Saṁyutta:
Conversations with Arahant Lakkhaṇa about Ghosts

(1 minute)

In this Saṁyutta you can learn about the amazing psychic powers of the Supreme Buddha and Arahant Mahāmoggallana. You can also learn more about ghosts in the Peta Vatthu.

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11 Sakka Saṁyutta:
Stories of God Sakka

(1 minute)

Get your own copy of the Sakka Saṁyutta as a printed book.

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 46 Bojjhaṅga Saṁyutta:
Discourses on the Enlightenment Factors

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 6 Brahma Saṃyutta:
Stories of Brahmās

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 15 Anamatagga Saṁyutta:
Connected Discourses without Discoverable Beginning

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 56 Sacca Saṁyutta:
Discourses on the Four Noble Truths

(1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

Connected Discourses:
Saṁyutta Nikāya

(1 minute)

The Saṁyutta Nikaya, or Connected Discourses, is the third major collection of the Supreme Buddha’s discourses. It contains 56 chapters, each with its own focus. Most suttas are short. We’re adding suttas all the time. Sign up to receive email updates.Download a reading checklist Click on a chapter to start to explore 1 Devatā Saṁyutta: […]