MN 87 Piyajātika Sutta:
Suffering Born from the Ones We Love
Do the ones we love always bring us happiness? (7 minutes)
King Pasenadi, also known as King Kosala, ruled over the kingdom of Kosala and some surrounding areas. He became a disciple of the Supreme Buddha with the encouragement of his wife Queen Mallikā. He lived in the city of Sāvatti. You can read many conversations he had with the Buddha in the Kosala Saṁyutta. There is also a beautiful sutta called Dhammacetiya Sutta where King Pasenadi praises the qualities of the Buddha and the Sangha.
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Do the ones we love always bring us happiness? (7 minutes)
King Pasenadi visits the Buddha and explains why he has such great faith in the Buddha. (14 minutes)
The Buddha explains the importance of not belittling things due to their age. (4 minutes)
What three things inside of us cause our suffering? (1 minute)
Who are those that love themselves and those that do not love themselves? (2 minutes)
Being intoxicated by wealth, becoming greedy and harming others only leads to pain. (2 minutes)
Lying for wealth and pleasures only leads to suffering. (2 minutes)
The Buddha explains to King Pasenadi the proper types of sacrifice. (2 minutes)
Attachment is a far stronger bond than chains and shackles. (1 minute)
The Buddha explains how to judge a person’s character. (3 minutes)
The Buddha teaches about sense pleasures to a group of kings. (3 minutes)
The Buddha explains the importance of not overeating to King Pasenadi. (2 minutes)
A battle between King Ajātasattu and Pasenadi takes place, leading the monks to discuss it with the Buddha. (1 minute)
A battle between King Ajātasattu and Pasenadi takes place. The Buddha explains the results of those who fight and when they fall. (2 minutes)
When King Pasenadi’s queen gives birth to a daughter, he becomes disappointed, but the Buddha explains the virtue of a woman. (1 minute)
What is the one thing that leads to the benefit of both the present life and the lives to come? (1 minute)
The Buddha explains how the entire path to Nibbāna depends on good friends, good companions and good associates. (3 minutes)
The Buddha explains what a person should do if they acquire great wealth. (3 minutes)
The Buddha tells the story of a rich man and his demise through his previous actions. (3 minutes)
The Buddha explains the four types of people and how their actions lead them in this cycle of rebirth. (5 minutes)
Using a simile with clay pots, the Buddha explains that all beings are subject to death, death is their end and that they are not free from death. (2 minutes)
What three things arise in the world for the harm, suffering and discomfort of beings? (1 minute)
King Pasenadi asks the Buddha who one should give gifts to, so that one gains the most merit? (4 minutes)
What should one do when old age and death are close by? (3 minutes)
How should we treat other people if we want to be happy? (2 minutes)
How can we truly know someone? (3 minutes)