Samyutta Nikaya
Kosala Saṁyutta

SN 3.2 Purisa Sutta
A Person

What three things inside of us cause our suffering?

At the city of Sāvatthī …

One day King Pasenadi went up to the Buddha, bowed respectfully, sat down to one side, and said to the Buddha, “Bhante, how many things arise inside a person for his harm, suffering, and discomfort?”

“Great king, three things arise inside a person for his harm, suffering, and discomfort. What three? Greed, hate, and delusion. These three things arise inside a person for their harm, suffering, and discomfort.”

The Buddha:

“Greed, hate, and delusion arise inside oneself; these evil thoughts harm that person. It is exactly like a tree destroyed by its own fruit.”1

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Saṁyutta Nikāya 3.2 Purisa Sutta: A Person

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