SN 11.6 Kulāvaka Sutta:
The Bird Nests
As God Sakka is running from the titans, an act of compassion ultimately wins in the end. (1 minute)
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As God Sakka is running from the titans, an act of compassion ultimately wins in the end. (1 minute)
The Saṅgha has amazing qualities. (5 minutes)
In this beautiful sutta, the Buddha explains his compassion and the two types of giving. (2 minutes)
The Supreme Buddha with utmost compassion helps a low caste woman before her death. (2 minutes)
A prince near death learns Dhamma from an Arahant and changes his ways to attain a better rebirth. (5 minutes)
A deva explains how the compassion of Arahant Moggallana gave him much happiness. (3 minutes)
What could happen if we don't give and are greedy? (3 minutes)
How can we reduce our past relatives' suffering? (2 minutes)