Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.6 Kulāvaka Sutta:
The Bird Nests

As God Sakka is running from the titans, an act of compassion ultimately wins in the end. (1 minute)

Anguttara Nikaya

AN 4.190 Bhikkhusanghathomana Sutta:
The Discourse on the Praise of the Saṅgha

The Saṅgha has amazing qualities. (5 minutes)


Itv 100 Brāhmana Sutta:
The True Brāhmin

In this beautiful sutta, the Buddha explains his compassion and the two types of giving. (2 minutes)

Vimana Vatthu

Vv 2.4 Caṇḍālī Sutta:
Low-Caste Woman’s Mansion

The Supreme Buddha with utmost compassion helps a low caste woman before her death. (2 minutes)

Vimana Vatthu

Vv 5.13 Cūḷaratha Sutta:
Small Chariot Mansion

A prince near death learns Dhamma from an Arahant and changes his ways to attain a better rebirth. (5 minutes)

Vimana Vatthu

Vv 7.6 Gopāla Sutta:
Cow Herder’s Mansion

A deva explains how the compassion of Arahant Moggallana gave him much happiness. (3 minutes)

Peta Vatthu

Pv 1.8 Goṇa Sutta:
The Ox

How do we help those who are stricken with grief? (2 minutes)

Peta Vatthu

Pv 2.1 Saṃsāramocaka Sutta:
Sāriputta Bhante Helps a Ghost

What could happen if we don't give and are greedy? (3 minutes)

Peta Vatthu

Pv 2.2 Sāriputtatherassa Mātu Sutta:
Sāriputta Bhante’s Mother

How can we reduce our past relatives' suffering? (2 minutes)