Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.4 Vepacitti:
The Discourse about Vepacitti Sutta

If one gets angry at another angry person, he makes things worse for himself. The one who doesn’t repay an angry person with anger, he wins the hard battle. (3 minutes)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.5 Subhāsita Jaya Sutta:
Victory by Well-Spoken Words

God Sakka and Vepacitti engage in a debate to see who uses well-spoken words. (4 minutes)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.7 Na Dubbhiya Sutta:
One Should Not Betray

God Sakka and Vepacitti discuss a thought that arose in God Sakka's mind. (1 minute)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.9 Araññāyatana Isi Sutta:
The Discourse about the Seers in the Forest

God Sakka and Vepacitti both go to a monastery but in different ways. (2 minutes)

Samyutta Nikaya

SN 11.23 Māyā Sutta:
The Discourse about Magic

When Vepacitti falls sick, he asks god Sakka for help. (1 minute)