Topic: rebirth
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SN 56.61–70 Āmakadhañña Peyyālavagga:
First Raw Grain Repetition Series
Because most of the people in the world have not seen the Four Noble Truths, they are not born among humans or deities. (4 minutes)
AN 8.40 Apāyasaṁvattanika Sutta:
The Cause for a Birth in Hell
The Buddha told us very specifically about the results we can expect from bad action. (3 minutes)
Itv 15 Taṇha Saṁyojuna Sutta:
The Buddha explains the fetter of craving, which leads one to wander in the journey of rebirth. (1 minute)
Itv 24 Aṭṭhipuñja Sutta:
The Heap of Bones
The Buddha explains how the bones of a single person, when accumulated in a single eon, would make a huge mountain. (2 minutes)
Itv 96 Kāmayoga Sutta:
The Bonds
The Buddha explains how one who is tied by the bond of sense pleasures will continue in this cycle of rebirth. (2 minutes)
Itv 99 Tevijja Sutta:
The Triple Knowledge
What does it mean to be a brāhmin? (4 minutes)
Itv 103 Samaṇabrāhmaṇa Sutta:
Recluses and Brāhmin
The Buddha explains how true recluses and Brāhmins understand the Four Noble Truths. (2 minutes)
Thig 15.1:
The Verses of Arahant Nun Isidāsī (399-446)
The Arahant Nun Isidāsī tells the story of her previous lives. (8 minutes)