Anguttara Nikaya

Aṅguttara NikāyaAN 10.61 Avijjā Sutta
Not knowing the Noble Truths

Where does ignorance come from?

In the city of Sāvatthi…

Monks, a point of origin for ignorance cannot be seen. However, some say “Prior to this, there was no ignorance and ignorance came to be afterwards.” Still, it can be clearly seen that ignorance arises due to a cause.

“Monks, that ignorance has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for ignorance? It should be said: the five hindrances.

Monks, the five hindrances too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for the five hindrances? It should be said: the three kinds of misconduct. 

Monks, the three kinds of misconduct too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for the three kinds of misconduct? It should be said: non-restraint of the sense faculties. 

Monks, non-restraint of the sense faculties too, has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for non-restraint of the sense faculties? It should be said: lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension.

Monks, lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension too, have nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension? It should be said: unwise consideration. 

Monks, unwise consideration too, has nourishment; it is not without nourishment, I say. And what is the nourishment for unwise consideration? It should be said: lack of faith. 

Monks, lack of faith too, has nourishment; it is not without nourishment, I say. And what is the nourishment for lack of faith? It should be said: listening to untrue teachings. 

Monks, listening to untrue teachings too, has nourishment; it is not without nourishment, I say. And what is the nourishment for listening to untrue teachings? It should be said: associating with people of bad qualities.

“Monks, associating with people of bad qualities leads to the fulfillment of listening to untrue teachings. Listening to untrue teachings fulfills lack of faith. Lack of faith fulfills unwise consideration. Unwise consideration fulfills lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension. Lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension fulfill non-restraint of the sense faculties. Non-restraint of the sense faculties fulfills the three kinds of misconduct. The three kinds of misconduct fulfill the five hindrances. The five hindrances fulfill ignorance. Through this, there is nourishment for ignorance, and in this way, it becomes fulfilled.

“Monks, just as, when it is raining and the rain pours down in thick droplets on a mountaintop, the water flows down along the slope and fills the crevices, gaps, and creeks; these, becoming full, fill up the pools; these, becoming full, fill up the lakes; these, becoming full, fill up the streams; these, becoming full, fill up the rivers; and these, becoming full, fill up the great ocean. Through this, there is nourishment for the great ocean, and in this way it becomes full. 

Monks, so too, associating with people of bad qualities leads to the fulfillment of listening to untrue teachings. Listening to untrue teachings fulfills lack of faith. Lack of faith fulfills unwise consideration. Unwise consideration fulfills lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension. Lack of mindfulness and clear comprehension fulfill non-restraint of the sense faculties. Non-restraint of the sense faculties fulfills the three kinds of misconduct. The three kinds of misconduct fulfill the five hindrances. The five hindrances fulfill ignorance. Through this, there is nourishment for ignorance, and in this way it becomes fulfilled.

“Monks, the true knowledge (realization of the Noble Truths) and liberation (abandonment of craving) have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for true knowledge and liberation? It should be said: the seven factors of enlightenment. 

Monks, the seven factors of enlightenment too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for the seven factors of enlightenment? It should be said: the four establishments of mindfulness.

Monks, the four establishments of mindfulness too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for the four establishments of mindfulness? It should be said: the three kinds of good conduct. 

Monks, the three kinds of good conduct too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for the three kinds of good conduct? It should be said: restraint of the sense faculties. 

Monks, restraint of the sense faculties too, has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for restraint of the sense faculties? It should be said: mindfulness and clear comprehension. 

Monks, mindfulness and clear comprehension too, have nourishment, I say; they are not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for mindfulness and clear comprehension? It should be said:  wise consideration. 

Monks, wise consideration too, has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for wise consideration? It should be said: faith. 

Monks, faith too, has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for faith? It should be said: hearing the good Dhamma. 

Monks, hearing the good Dhamma too, has nourishment, I say; it is not without nourishment. And what is the nourishment for hearing the good Dhamma? It should be said: associating with people of good qualities.

“Monks, associating with people of good qualities fulfills hearing the good Dhamma. Hearing the good Dhamma fulfills faith. Faith fulfills wise consideration. Wise consideration fulfills mindfulness and clear comprehension. Mindfulness and clear comprehension fulfill restraint of the sense faculties. Restraint of the sense faculties fulfills the three kinds of good conduct. The three kinds of good conduct fulfill the four establishments of mindfulness. The four establishments of mindfulness fulfill the seven factors of enlightenment. The seven factors of enlightenment fulfill true knowledge and liberation. Through this, there is nourishment for true knowledge and liberation, and in this way they become fulfilled.

“Monks, just as when it is raining and the rain pours down in thick droplets on a mountaintop, the water flows down along the slope and fills the crevices, gaps, and creeks; these, becoming full, fill up the pools; these, becoming full, fill up the lakes; these, becoming full, fill up the streams; these, becoming full, fill up the rivers; and these, becoming full, fill up the great ocean. Through this, there is nourishment for the great ocean, and in this way it becomes full. 

So too Monks, associating with people of good qualities fulfills hearing the good Dhamma. Hearing the good Dhamma fulfills faith. Faith fulfills wise consideration. Wise consideration fulfills mindfulness and clear comprehension. Mindfulness and clear comprehension fulfill restraint of the sense faculties. Restraint of the sense faculties fulfills the three kinds of good conduct. The three kinds of good conduct fulfill the four establishments of mindfulness. The four establishments of mindfulness fulfill the seven factors of enlightenment. The seven factors of enlightenment fulfill true knowledge and liberation. Through this, there is nourishment for true knowledge and liberation, and in this way they become fulfilled.”

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Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.61 Avijjā Sutta: Not knowing the Noble Truths

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