This discourse was taught by the Blessed One, taught by the Arahant, the fully enlightened Supreme Buddha. This is as I heard,
“Monks, four things are trifling things, easily obtained and blameless. What four?
Monks, the robe made of cast-off rags is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. Monks, the food gathered on alms round is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. Monks, the root of a tree as a resting place is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. Monks, one’s own urine as a medicine is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. These, monks, are the four trifling things, easily obtained and blameless.
When, monks, a monk is content with these things that are trifling and easily obtained, I say that he has a certain noble quality that leads to the growth of monk-life.”
This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said. So, with regard to this, it was said:
When a monk is content with the things that are simple, easily obtained and blameless, his mind is not disturbed by having lodging, robes, food, or drink; He has no enemies anywhere in the world.
These are the things declared to be suitable for a monk’s life. The diligent monk practices the Dhamma standing on the basis of his simple and righteous life.
This, too, is the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One. This is exactly as I heard.