This discourse was taught by the Blessed One, taught by the Arahant, the fully enlightened Supreme Buddha. This is as I heard:
“Monks, there are these two Nibbāna-elements. What are the two? The Nibbāna-element with residue remaining (Sōpādisesa Nibbāna) and the Nibbāna-element with no residue remaining (Anupādisesa Nibbāna).
What, monks, is the Nibbāna-element with residue remaining (Sōpādisesa Nibbāna)? Here monks, a monk is a liberated one, one whose taints are destroyed, the path to Nibbāna fulfilled, has finished the task for liberation, has laid down the burden of defilements, has gradually attained the highest goal, has destroyed the fetters of existence, and is completely liberated through true knowledge.
His five sense faculties remain functioning. Since they still function, he experiences the contact of pleasant and unpleasant objects and is sensitive to happiness and pain. But, passion, hatred, and delusion have been removed completely from his mind. Monks, this is called the Nibbāna-element with residue remaining.
And what, monks, is the Nibbāna element with no residue remaining (Anupādisesa Nibbāna)?
Monks, here a monk is a liberated one, one whose taints are destroyed, the path to Nibbāna fulfilled, has finished the task for liberation, has laid down the burden of defilements, has gradually attained the highest goal, has destroyed the fetters of existence, and has completely liberated by true knowledge.
In that liberated one’s life, all feelings that are experienced, not being delighted with craving, will get cooled down here (diminished), in this life with the attainment of Nibbāna at passing away. Monks, this is called Nibbāna element with no residue remaining.
Monks, these are the two Nibbāna-elements.”
This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said. So, with regard to this, it was said:
These two Nibbāna elements were proclaimed by the One with eyes of Dhamma, the One detached from defilements, the Buddha, who has an unshaken mind.
The first Nibbāna element is experienced here in this life with residue. In that all the defilements lead to rebirth are destroyed.
The second Nibbāna element is with no residue remaining and leads to the cessation of all existence. This element is experienced at passing away.
Having destroyed craving, the cord of existence, having experienced the unconditioned state, Nibbāna, the Enlightened ones live with liberated minds. Having attained to the Dhamma-essence, they delight in the state of destruction of defilements, Nibbāna. The Liberated Ones with unshaken minds have removed completely all existences.
This, too, is the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One. This is exactly as I heard.