
ItivuttakaItv 82 Devasadda Sutta
Divine Sounds

The Buddha explains when and why three divine sounds are sound from time to time.

This discourse was taught by the Blessed One, taught by the Arahant, the fully enlightened Supreme Buddha. This is as I heard,

“Monks, three divine sounds sound forth among the gods from time to time. What three?

Monks, at the time when a noble disciple shaves off his hair and beard, wearing robes and, leaving the home life, makes the decision to become a monk or a nun, at that time the divine sound sounds forth among the gods: ‘This noble disciple has made up his mind to battle with Māra, the evil one.’ This is the first divine sound that sounds forth among the gods.

Again, monks, during the time the monk or the nun is developing the seven factors that are the aids for enlightenment, at that time the divine sound sounds forth among the gods: ‘This noble disciple is doing battle with Māra, the evil one.’ This is the second divine sound that sounds forth among the gods.

Again, monks, at the time when the monk or the nun, realizing here and now with his or her own direct knowledge, enters and experiences mind-liberation and wisdom-liberation that is taintless through destruction of the taints, at that time the divine sound sounds forth among the gods: ‘This noble disciple has won the battle, and he or she now dwells victorious.’ This is the third divine sound that sounds forth among the gods.

Monks, these are the three divine sounds that sound forth among the gods from time to time. ”

This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said. So, with regard to this, it was said:

On seeing that the disciple of the Fully Enlightened Buddha has won the battle, even the gods pay homage to him who possesses great wisdom,

“Homage to you, great man among men, you have won the hard victory, defeating the army of Māra. Your liberation can never be hindered by anyone.”

Thus, gods pay homage to the great person who has attained the supreme goal, Nibbāna. Gods observe no weakness that would bring him under Māra’s control.

This, too, is the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One. This is exactly as I heard.

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Itivuttaka 82 Devasadda Sutta: Divine Sounds

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