This discourse was taught by the Blessed One, taught by the Arahant, the fully enlightened Supreme Buddha. This is as I heard,
“Monks, there are three kinds of unwholesome thoughts that produce blindness, lack of insightful vision, and foolishness; they destroy wisdom, push beings towards suffering, and are not conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna. What are the three?
Monks, thoughts of sense desire produce blindness, lack of insightful vision, and foolishness; they destroy wisdom, push beings towards suffering, and are not conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna. Monks, thoughts of ill-will produce blindness, lack of insightful vision, and foolishness; they destroy wisdom, push beings towards suffering and are not conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna. Monks, thoughts of harming produce blindness, lack of insightful vision, and foolishness; they destroy wisdom, push beings towards suffering, and are not conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
Monks, these are the three kinds of unwholesome thoughts that produce blindness, lack of insightful vision, and foolishness; they destroy wisdom, push beings towards suffering, and are not conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
Monks, there are three kinds of wholesome thoughts that produce non-blindness, insightful vision, true knowledge, and lead to the growth of wisdom. They do not push beings towards suffering and are conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
What are the three?
Monks, thoughts of renunciation produce non-blindness, insightful vision, true knowledge, and lead to the growth of wisdom. They do not push beings towards suffering and are conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
Monks, thoughts of loving kindness produce non-blindness, insightful vision, true knowledge, and lead to the growth of wisdom. They do not push beings towards suffering and are conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
Monks, thoughts of harmlessness produce non-blindness, insightful vision, true knowledge, and lead to the growth of wisdom. They do not push beings towards suffering and are conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
Monks, these are the three kinds of wholesome thoughts that produce non-blindness, insightful vision, true knowledge, and lead to the growth of wisdom. They do not push beings towards suffering and are conducive to ultimate freedom, Nibbāna.
This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said. So, with regard to this, it was said:
One who thinks three kinds of wholesome thoughts and avoids three kinds of unwholesome thoughts; who stops unwholesome thoughts and intentions as a shower settles a cloud of dust; and whose mind is released from unwholesome thoughts – he is one who attains the peaceful Nibbāna in this life.
This, too, is the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One. This is exactly as I heard.