
TheragāthāThag 6.4
The Verses of Arahant Kulla (393-398)

393. My name is Kulla. One day I went to the cemetery. I saw a woman’s dead body, thrown away, and full of worms. They were devouring it.

394. Kulla, see carefully this nasty body that is diseased, impure and rotten. Filth is oozing from the entire body. See this body that the fools delight in.

395. Taking the mirror of the Dhamma for the attainment of true knowledge and insight I investigated the true nature of the internal and external nasty body.

396. Both my body and the dead body are the same. What is in the dead body is in this body. Both the upper part and the lower part of the body just contain filth. Both parts are the same.

397. Filth oozes out from bodies in the day. Filth oozes out from bodies in the night. Both at night and day only filth oozes from bodies. Earlier, filth oozed out of bodies, and also later. Later and earlier only filth oozes from bodies.

398. In this way, with a one pointed mind. I contemplated the reality properly. At that time my mind delighted in the Dhamma. Not even the most pleasant fivefold music would give you that kind of happiness.

These verses were said by Arahant Kulla.

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Theragāthā 6.4: The Verses of Arahant Kulla (393-398)

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