494. A monk should not always be occupied doing many duties. A monk should avoid people who gossip and talk unnecessarily. If a monk is greedy and desires nice things, he will miss the goal which brings spiritual happiness.
495. Indeed, wise people consider respect and homage given by others to be a swamp. Attachment to gain and honour is like a fine dart that is hard to remove. An untrue person will never give up gain and honour offered to him.
496. One should not insist others do evil nor should he do it himself. I say that because all beings live with kamma as their relative.
497. One is not a thief just because others say one is. One is not a holy man just because others say one is. One knows oneself to the extent that devas know who he is.
498. Foolish people don’t understand that we all will die one day in this world. But since wise people understand this fact, their quarrels cease.
499. Even after the loss of his wealth, the wise man indeed lives. But no matter how much wealth one has, if he hasn’t gained wisdom he is not truly living.
500. Even though a wise person hears all with the ear, sees all with the eye, he doesn’t want to take it in nor reject that which is seen or heard.
501. Therefore, at things that shouldn’t be seen, he is as though blind even though he has eyes. At the things that shouldn’t be heard, he is as though deaf even though he has ears. At things that shouldn’t be known, he is as though foolish even though he is wise. At things that shouldn’t be done, he is as though weak even though he is strong. At things that lead to harm he is as though dead, lying in bed.
These verses were said by Arahant Mahā Kaccāyana.