Vimana Vatthu

Vimāna VatthuVv 3.5 Guttila Sutta
Guttila’s Mansion

Multiple devas discuss the what meritorious actions they did to gain happiness.

The music teacher Guttila had an arrogant student who challenged him to a competition. Guttila called on the god Sakka for assistance.

Teacher Guttila:

God Sakka, I was the one who taught my pupil Musila how to play sweet music on the guitar. But now my student has challenged me in a guitar competition. Please, Sakka, help me.

God Sakka:

Yes, certainly I will help you. I always honor teachers. The pupil will not defeat you. Teacher, you will defeat the pupil.

Upon seeing the goddesses who had come along with the god Sakka, Guttila questioned them. In the time of the Supreme Buddha, Moggallana Bhante asked them the very same questions,

Moggallana Bhante:

Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.

What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?

Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?

That devata, delighted at being questioned by Moggallana Bhante, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.


A woman who offers clothes is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

Look at my divine mansion. I am a powerful goddess. I can change my appearance into any form I wish. I am the best of a thousand goddesses. Imagine the result of my meritorious deed.

Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.

A group of devatas, one by one, answered the same question as follows:

A woman who offers flowers is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers perfumes is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers fruit is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers delicious foods is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

I offered five kinds of fragrances to the stupa that held the relics of Kassapa Buddha …

When I saw monks and nuns traveling along the road, I listened to the Dhamma from them and I observed Eight Precepts just for one day…

While I was standing in water, I happily offered water to a monk…

My mother-in-law and father-in-law were harsh, rough, and easily got angry, but I did not hate them nor did I say bad words to them, I treated them well and I followed Eight Precepts diligently…

I worked for others as a servant girl. I was not lazy and worked hard. I was not arrogant and did not hate others. I was happy to share whatever I had with others…

I offered milk-rice to a monk who was going on almsround. Having done similar meritorious deeds, now I enjoy heavenly happiness…

I offered a piece of golden sugar…

I offered a small piece of sugarcane…

I offered some timbaru fruit…

I offered some sweet cucumber…

I offered some cucumber…

I offered some creeper fruits…

I offered some pharusaka flowers…

I offered a pan for burning coals…

I offered a handful of vegetables…

I offered a handful of small flowers…

I offered a bundle of lotus roots …

I offered a handful of nimb leaves…

I offered some sour gruel…

I offered an oil-seed cake…

I offered a waistband…

I offered a shoulder-strap…

I offered a bandage…

I offered a fan…

I offered a palm-leaf fan…

I offered a peacock-feather fly-whisk…

I offered an umbrella…

I offered a pair of sandals…

I offered an oil-cake…

I offered a sweetmeat…

Moggallana Bhante:

Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.

What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?

Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?

That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.


I gave sweet cake to a monk who was on his almsround. Having done similar meritorious deeds, now I enjoy heavenly happiness.

Look at my divine mansion, I am a powerful goddess. I can change my appearance into any form I wish. I am the best of a thousand goddesses. Imagine the result of my meritorious deed.

Because of this meritorious deeds, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Great Bhante, those were the meritorious deeds I did to have such a beautiful body which shines in all directions.

Teacher Guttila:

It is wonderful indeed, that I have come here today. This day has started pleasantly. I have seen beautiful goddesses who are able to change their appearance as they wish.

I learned the Dhamma from them. I will do lots of meritorious deeds by giving, keeping the precepts, and restraining myself. If I do this, one day I too will be born in heaven where there is no sadness.

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Vimāna Vatthu 3.5 Guttila Sutta: Guttila’s Mansion

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