Samyutta Nikaya
Sotāpatti Saṁyutta

SN 55.16 Mittāmacca Sutta
Friends 1

What should we do if we care about people?

“Monks, you have friends, relatives and family members who you have sympathy for. If they listen to your advice, you should establish them in the four factors of stream-entry. You should encourage them to have the four factors of stream-entry. What four? Unshakable confidence in the Buddha… the Dhamma… the Saṅgha… And virtue loved by the noble ones… leading to concentration.

“Monks, you should establish your friends, relatives and family members who you have sympathy for, in these four factors of stream-entry. If they listen to your advice, you should encourage them to have these four factors of stream-entry.”

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Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.16 Mittāmacca Sutta: Friends 1

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