Samyutta Nikaya
Sotāpatti Saṁyutta

SN 55.19 Dutiya Devacārika Sutta
Visiting Heaven 2

Arahant Mahāmoggallāna has a Dhamma discussion in the Tāvatiṁsa heaven.

In those days, Venerable Mahāmoggallāna was living in the city of Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s Park, at Anāthapindika’s Monastery. One day, Venerable Mahāmoggallāna, as easily as a strong person would extend or contract his arm, vanished from Jeta’s Park and reappeared among the gods of the Tāvatiṁsa heaven. Then many deities of that heaven went to Venerable Mahāmoggallāna, bowed respectfully, and stood to one side. Venerable Moggallāna said to them, “Dear gods and goddesses, it’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Buddha… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. It’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Dhamma… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. It’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Saṅgha… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. And it’s good to have virtue that’s loved by the noble ones… leading to concentration. As a result of that virtue, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven.”

The gods and goddesses replied, “Venerable Moggallāna, it’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Buddha… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. It’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Dhamma… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. It’s good to have unshakable confidence in the Saṅgha… As a result of that confidence, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven. And it’s good to have virtue that’s loved by the noble ones… leading to concentration. As a result of that virtue, beings, after death, have been reborn in heaven.”

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Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.19 Dutiya Devacārika Sutta: Visiting Heaven 2

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