Topic: effort
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SN 11.1 Suvīra Sutta:
The Discourse about the Deity Suvīra
What does God Sakka, the one with with power over Tāvatiṁsa gods, praise? (3 minutes)
SN 11.2 Susīma Sutta:
The Discourse about the Deity Susīma
The Buddha praises courage and effort so that one can attain enlightenment. (3 minutes)
SN 46.14 Maha Kassapatthera Bojjhanga Sutta:
Discourse on Enlightenment Factors to Arahant Kassapa
The Supreme Buddha recites the Enlightenment Factors to Arahant Mahā Kassapa to help him overcome illness. (5 minutes)
AN 10.18 Dutiya Nāthakarana Sutta:
The Second Discourse on the Ten Qualities that Serve as a Refuge
What should be our Refuge, in detail? (7 minutes)