MN 110 Cūḷa Puṇṇama Sutta:
The Shorter Discourse on the Full-Moon Night
How do we know who is good and bad? (8 minutes)
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How do we know who is good and bad? (8 minutes)
The Supreme Buddha defeats the Demon Ālavaka with the power of his wisdom. (4 minutes)
A grand simile to explain the qualities of a noble disciple. (9 minutes)
Where does ignorance come from? (6 minutes)
At Naḷakapāna the Buddha invites the venerable Sāriputta to teach the Dhamma. Venerable Sāriputta teaches about ten qualities that lead to decline or non-decline. (5 minutes)
Venerable Sāriputta explains the factors for growth in wholesome qualities. (4 minutes)