MN 135 Cula Kamma Vibhanga Sutta:
The Shorter Discourse on Analysing Kamma
Learn about specific good and bad actions and their good and bad results. (11 minutes)
Sometimes the results of bad deeds comes quickly, sometimes slowly. But we have to experience it sometime unless we attain Nibbāna first. See also results of good actions.
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Learn about specific good and bad actions and their good and bad results. (11 minutes)
The final days of monk Kokalika who held hatred towards Arahant Sāriputta and Arahant Moggallāna. (6 minutes)
The results of our bad actions follow us in this dangerous Samsara. (5 minutes)
When a being is endowed with evil behavior and evil view, they are born in hell after death. (1 minute)
The Buddha explains three reasons why Devadatta went to the planes of misery. (2 minutes)
A collection of bad actions and bad results. (4 minutes)
When one is greedy, evil and doesn't keep precepts, what awaits is only suffering. (4 minutes)
A ghost explains her suffering due to lying and evil deeds from a previous life. (2 minutes)
Jealousy and hatred can only lead to suffering. (2 minutes)
What are the dangers of lying, gossip and divisive speech? (2 minutes)
Insulting those who worship the Buddha's relics will only bring suffering. (2 minutes)
What happened to a prince that committed evil actions towards a Pacceka Buddha? (2 minutes)
Arahant Moggallana talks with ghosts who suffer due to their stinginess in the human world. (2 minutes)
Arahant Moggallana asks a ghost about his past evil actions. (1 minute)