Samyutta Nikaya
Sotāpatti Saṁyutta

SN 55.39 Kāḷigodhā Sutta
To Sakyan Daughter Kāḷigodhā

The Buddha teaches a female lay disciple four qualities of a stream entrant.

In those days, the Buddha was living in the Kingdom of the Sakyans, in the city of Kapilavatthu, at the Nigrodha Monastery. One day, the Buddha wore his robes in the morning and, took his bowl and double-layered robe and went to the home of Kāḷigodhā the Sakyan daughter, where he sat down on a seat. Then Kāḷigodhā went to the Buddha, bowed respectfully, and sat down to one side.

The Buddha asked her, “Godhā, a female noble disciple who has four factors is a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the lower worlds, headed towards Nibbāna. What are these four factors? It’s when a noble disciple has unshakable confidence in the Buddha… the Dhamma… the Saṅgha… And she lives at home rid of the stain of stinginess, ready to give, open-handed, with desire to give, committed to charity, loves to give and share. A female noble disciple who has these four factors is a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the lower worlds and is headed towards Nibbāna.”

“Bhante, these four factors of stream-entry that were taught by the Buddha are found in me. Bhante, I have unshakable confidence in the Buddha… the Dhamma… the Saṅgha… And I share without reservation all the gifts available to give in our family with those who are virtuous and practice good qualities.”

“You’re fortunate, Godhā, you’re very fortunate, you just declared that you have attained the fruit of stream-entry.”

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Saṁyutta Nikāya 55.39 Kāḷigodhā Sutta: To Sakyan Daughter Kāḷigodhā

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