SN 6.10 Dutiya Kokālika Sutta:
The Second Discourse about Monk Kokālika
The final days of monk Kokalika who held hatred towards Arahant Sāriputta and Arahant Moggallāna. (6 minutes)
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The final days of monk Kokalika who held hatred towards Arahant Sāriputta and Arahant Moggallāna. (6 minutes)
When Vepacitti falls sick, he asks god Sakka for help. (1 minute)
More dangerous than hell is the holding of wrong views. (3 minutes)
The Buddha told us very specifically about the results we can expect from bad action. (3 minutes)
When a being is endowed with evil behavior and evil view, they are born in hell after death. (1 minute)
The Buddha explains the three kinds of misconduct. (1 minute)
The Buddha explains how being obsessed with receiving homage and respect can lead one to the lowest realm. (3 minutes)
When one is greedy, evil and doesn't keep precepts, what awaits is only suffering. (4 minutes)