Samyutta Nikaya
Kosala Saṁyutta

SN 3.13 Donapāka Sutta
A Big Plate of Rice and Curry

The Buddha explains the importance of not overeating to King Pasenadi.

At the city of Sāvatthī…

Those days, King Pasenadi used to eat too much, a big plate of rice and curry. Then one day, after having lunch, King Pasenadi went up to the Buddha, huffing and puffing. He bowed and sat down to one side.

Then, knowing that King Pasenadi was huffing and puffing after eating, on that occasion the Buddha recited this verse:

“When a man is always mindful,
knowing the meaning of eating,
his discomfort lessens,
and the food gets digested well, also he ages slowly.”

Now at that time the student Sudassana was standing behind the king. Then King Pasenadi told him, “Please, dear Sudassana, memorize this verse which was just said by the Buddha and recite it to me whenever I am about to have a meal. You will be paid a salary of a hundred coins.”

“Yes, sir,” replied Sudassana. He memorized that verse and whenever the king was about to have a meal he would recite it:

“When a man is always mindful,
knowing the meaning of eating,
his discomfort lessens,
and the food gets digested well, also he ages slowly.”

Then the king gradually reduced the amount of rice and curry he ate. As the days passed, King Pasenadi lost a considerable amount of weight, and his body felt at ease. Stroking his body with his hands, he cried out joyfully, “The Buddha truly has compassion for me. The Buddha showed the path for happiness in the present life and the next life.”

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Saṁyutta Nikāya 3.13 Donapāka Sutta: A Big Plate of Rice and Curry

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