MN 87 Piyajātika Sutta:
Suffering Born from the Ones We Love
Do the ones we love always bring us happiness? (7 minutes)
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Do the ones we love always bring us happiness? (7 minutes)
What did monks, deities and brahmas say at the extinguishing of the Buddha? (4 minutes)
The second sermon taught by the Buddha. (3 minutes)
All conditioned things are impermanent. (10 minutes)
The short life of the Supreme Buddha’s mother (1 minute)
The Buddha explains the three times and how people mistakenly think things are non-decaying. (2 minutes)
The Buddha explains the reality of the body and its impermanence. (1 minute)
The Buddha teaches monks to live contemplating the impurities of the body, mindfulness of in-and-out breathing and contemplating the impermanence of all things. (1 minute)