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A, Ā
- Ajātasattu King (2)
- Ānanda Arahant (8)The Arahant Ānanda was the Supreme Buddha’s attendant for the last 25 years of the Buddha’s life. He was able to remember any sutta that he heard. At the first council after the Buddha's passing away, the Arahant Ānanda was responsible for reciting the suttas.
- Anāthapiṇḍika (2)
- Aññākoṇḍañña Arahant (3)The Arahant Aññākoṇḍañña was the first of the Supreme Buddha Gautama's disciples to attain stream entry (SN 56:11).
- Anuruddha Arahant (5)The Arahant Anuruddha was the foremost monk disciple with the divine eye. He was a cousin of the Supreme Buddha.
- Bakkula Arahant (2)Arahant Bakkula is famous for being healthy and unattached to worldly things. You can learn more about him in MN 124.
- Bhaddā Kāpilānī Arahant (2)
- Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā Arahant (2)
- Bhaddiya Arahant (2)
- Bimbisāra King (5)King Bimbisāra ruled over Magadha from the city of Rajagaha. He was an early disciple of the Supreme Buddha and the first to offer a monastery to the Mahā Saṅgha.
- Dabba Mallaputta Arahant (2)
- Devadatta (2)
- Dhammadinnā Arahant (2)
- Kaṅkhā Revata Arahant (2)
- Kakusandha Supreme Buddha (2)Kakusandha Supreme Buddha was the fourth Supreme Buddha in the line of the past seven Supreme Buddhas.
- Kāḷudāyi Arahant (2)
- Kassapa Supreme Buddha (4)Kassapa Supreme Buddha was the Supreme Buddha before our Gautama Supreme Buddha.
- Khadiravaniya Revata Arahant (2)
- Khemā Arahant (2)The arahant nun Khemā was one of the two chief nun disciples and is foremost in wisdom of all the nuns.
- Kisāgotamī Arahant (2)
- Kokālika (2)The Monk Kokālika was a close friend of Devadatta and helped him in his evil doings.
- Koṇāgamana Supreme Buddha (2)Koṇāgamana Supreme Buddha was the fifth Supreme Buddha in the line of the past seven Supreme Buddhas.
- Kuṇḍadhāna Arahant (2)
- Kumara Kassapa Arahant (2)
- Mahā Kaccana Arahant (3)
- Mahā Kappina Arahant (3)
- Mahā Kassapa Arahant (6)The Arahant Mahā Kassapa organized the first council of monks after the passing away of the Supreme Buddha. He was the foremost disciple who practiced the allowable austerities.
- Mahā Koṭṭhita Arahant (2)
- Mahā Moggallāna Arahant (14)Arahant Moggallāna was one of the Supreme Buddha's two chief disciples. He was the monk who had the best psychic powers. Because of this he was easily able to see beings in other realms like ghosts and devas.
- Mahā Pajāpatī Gotamī Arahant (3)The Arahant Mahā Pajāpatī Gotamī was the Supreme Buddha’s aunt who raised him after his mother passed away. She was the first bhikkhunī.
- Mahānāma (2)
- Mahāpanthaka Arahant (2)
- Mallikā Queen (5)
- Māluṅkyaputta Arahant (2)
- Māra (4)Māra is a non-human being who tries to prevent the Supreme Buddha and his disciples from attaining enlightenment.
- Mātali Deva (3)
- Meghiya Arhant (2)
- Mogharāja Arahant (2)
- Nadī Kassapa Arahant (2)
- Nandā Arahant (3)
- Nanda Arahant (2)
- Nandaka Arahant (2)
- Narada Arahant (4)
- Paṭācārā Arahant (2)
- Pārāsariya Arahant (2)
- Pasenadi King (29)King Pasenadi, also known as King Kosala, ruled over the kingdom of Kosala and some surrounding areas. He became a disciple of the Supreme Buddha with the encouragement of his wife Queen Mallikā. He lived in the city of Sāvatti. You can read many conversations he had with the Buddha in the Kosala Saṁyutta. There is also a beautiful sutta called Dhammacetiya Sutta where King Pasenadi praises the qualities of the Buddha and the Sangha.
- Piṇḍolabhāradvāja Arahant (2)
- Rādha Arahant (2)
- Rāhula Arahant (2)The Supreme Buddha’s son.
- Raṭṭhapāla Arahant (3)
- Sahampati Brahma (7)
- Sakka Lord of Gods (28)The God Sakka rules over the Tāvatiṁsa heaven and the heaven of the Four Great Kings. He is a disciple of the Supreme Buddha.
- Sakulā Arahant (2)
- Sanaṅkumāra Brahma (3)
- Sāriputta Arahant (18)The Arahant Sāriputta was one of the Supreme Buddha’s two chief monk disciples and was foremost in wisdom.
- Sela Arahant (2)
- Sikhī Supreme Buddha (2)
- Sīvali Arahant (2)
- Soṇā Arahant (2)
- Sobhita Arahant (2)
- Soṇa Kuṭikaṇṇa Arahant (3)
- Subhūti Arahant (2)
- Subrahma Brahma (3)
- Suddhāvāsa Brahma (3)
- Sumana Arahant (2)
- Supreme Buddha (15)
- Upāli Arahant (2)The Arahant Upāli recited the Vinaya at the first council of monks after the Supreme Buddha passed away.
- Upasena Arahant (2)
- Uppalavaṇṇā Arahant (2)The Arahant nun Uppalavaṇṇā was one of the Supreme Buddha’s two chief nun disciples. She was foremost of the nuns in psychic power.
- Uruveḷa Kassapa Arahant (3)
- Uttamā Arahant (2)
- Vakkali Arahant (2)
- Vaṅgīsa Arahant (6)
- Vepacitti Asura (5)
- Vimala Arahant (2)
- Visākhā (2)
- Yasoja Arahant (2)